Charity Partner Ambassadors
Congratulations to title and all sub title winners of 6th Miss Nepal US Public Choice for being appointed as Goodwill and Youth Ambassador of 6th Miss Nepal US Charity Partner Soarway Foundation

Aisha Ojha
Goodwill Ambassador
Hello, my name is Aisha Ojha and I live in Dallas, Tx. I am a Social Work Masters student and my concentration is Mental ..

Anjeela Poudel
Youth Ambassador
Hello, I am Angeela Poudel.I am 19 years old and currently a Neuroscience student aiming to join a medical school…

Neliya Gurung
Youth Ambassador
I Neliya Gurung, am currently pursuing my Master’s degree in Computer Science at Lamar University…

Sushana Pokharel
Youth Ambassador
am Sushana Pokharel, representing Los Angeles, California. I am a second year college student…

Dear Ladies of the Miss Nepal U.S. competition,
It was a great honor to be the chief judge for Sunday night’s competition. I was impressed and inspired by your grace, dignity, strength and vision. Each of you should be proud. I am certainly proud of all of you!
At the Soarway Foundation, we are deeply honored to know that Aisha Ojha will, as the People’s Choice winner, be a Goodwill Ambassador for us as we seek to build a better future for Nepal. She will play a special role as a voice for Soarway, but we also hope to assist her in pursuing her vision for engagement with Nepal at the same time. We are excited to have her as part of the team.
But I would fail as a leader and mentor if I did not recognize the tremendous talent and skills you all have to offer. Therefore, in consultation with the Miss Nepal US leadership team, we are excited to invite the three runners-up, all of whom received in excess of 5000 votes, to join us as Soarway Youth Ambassadors as we seek to build a committed youth wing. Those three contestants are Angeela Poudel , Sushana Pokharel, and Neliya Gurung. I hope you will be willing to join the team along with Aisha.
However, there is so much work that must be done, so many ideas to explore, that every one of you could make important contributions to the Soarway mission. And that is why it would be my great pleasure to have any, and all, of you join your hands with ours.
I hope you too will consider the possibility of playing your own role as “Soarway Partners Who Care,” as we support those in Nepal who need us most and as we, together, shape a future the people of Nepal will face with hope rather than fear.
I look forward to working with all of you in the days ahead.
Namaste !
Scott H. DeLisi
US Ambassador (ret.)
Executive Director
Soarway Foundation – Engage Nepal

The Sorway Foundation was created in April of 2015 with the intent to focus on disaster risk reduction and preparedness in Nepal. Little did we know that within days of our creation a major earthquake would cause devastation and destruction in Nepal, only to be followed by second major, quake shortly after. The world changed for Nepal, and the Soarway Foundation followed suit.
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